Presentation of the Course
The Degree Course in Industrial Design (Class L4) is aimed at achieving the First Degree (or Undergraduate Degree).
According to the Regulation ex D.M.270 the course has a duration of THREE YEARS and provides a UNIQUE CURRICULUM, in compliance with the requirements defined by the Bologna Process of the European Union.
During the 2nd and 3rd year, the course is divide in four different paths in the disciplines of laboratories:
- Product design
- Interior Design
- Visual design
- Fashion design
Course degree includes a progression of training experiences, with an alternation between theoretical training and project laboratories.
Industrial Design Degree’s principal offices are located in: Calenzano (FI), via Sandro Pertini 93, inside the new “DESIGN CAMPUS building complex”, reserved for the Industrial Design Section of University of Florence.
The Degree Course aims to train "design technicians" able to operate with competence in all phases of design and development of industrial products, whether they are materials or other products.
The figures formed must possess in particular knowledge:
- able to support the different project specializations in different training courses;
- specifics vocation to sector of the Degree Course;
- that make them able to act as a link between the moment of design and production, covering the various activities ranging from product design to large-scale production;
- characterizing the fields of: visual, multimedia and interactive communications and are able to apply them in the design and implementation of products relative interfaces, whether they are material products or artefacts of any other nature;
- to communicate effectively, in written and oral form, in at least one language of the European Union, in addition to Italian.
These aims are pursued through the courses and laboratories of a mono-disciplinary and integrated type, with teaching load of 6 or 12 Credits (CFU Formative Credits), aimed at providing knowledge and understanding skills in the fields of basic science, design and representation, materials and technologies, history of design, humanities, economics and copyright and, above all, specific disciplines of the project.
Courses are distribuited in the three years divided in six semesters follows a general criterion of progression of the formative path, which is realized both in the balanced development of the different fields of formation in their transversal coordination.
Courses period
Course is structured in three years divided in six semesters.
The ordinary activity of the student corresponds to the achievement of 60 credits per year.
The student who has in any case obtained 180 credits, by fulfilling all the provisions of the teaching structure, can obtain the title even before the three-year term.